- Business process management and re-engineering (BPM/BPR).
- Software application and database development and administration.
- Workflow and acquisition applications development to include performance metrics measurement and dashboard reporting.
- Warehouse Management and Asset management.
- Automatic Identification Technology (AIT) Application Development.
Summary of Experience and Customers
RFL’s business approach is to help its customers take an objective look at their business processes, update the way they do business, and then simplify their data transactions with today’s technology. This approach helps the customer understand their total ownership costs and provides realistic cost-benefit analyses that more accurately identify return on investment.
RFL has extensive experience in using and integrating business process management software. RFL applied our business approach to our principal customer, Naval Special Warfare Command (NSWC), and greatly simplified their business processes and workflow. As part of our support, RFL developed the Special Warfare Information Fast Tracker (SWIFT) (link is external) workflow application for use with the Government Commercial Purchase Card (GCPC) that interfaces with CitiBank and greatly shortens the processing and payment time for NSWC card transactions. This increases the command’s rebate from the bank and more than paid for the workflow implementation in the first year.
SWIFT is so successful that it has received two awards:
- 2011 North American 1st Place Award for Business Process Management from the Performance Excellence Network 2011
- North American Silver Award for Business Process Management from the Workflow Management Coalition
SWIFT has also been nominated for the 2012 Navy Admiral Arthur Award for Logistics Excellence. RFL is currently in discussion with Naval Supply Systems Command to extend SWIFT to other major Navy commands.
RF Logistics also developed and maintains the Special Warfare Automated Logistics Information System (SWALIS) which provides real-time tracking of the custody of all assets assigned to individuals in NSWC. The system is web-based and scalable to larger organizations. Additionally, RFL developed management dashboards for NSWC to provide convenient access to asset and financial information for the command. This is now being expanded to include maintenance and life cycle measurement data.
RFL is an expert in the use of AIT including all its variations to include “point of activity” data capture, mobile computing, barcode printing technologies and capture, Wireless Radio Frequency Data Capture (RFDC), and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). We also have extensive experience in ensuring compliance with DOD Item Unique Identification (IUID) requirements and the DoD IUID Registry. RFL uses our AIT and IUID experience to provide on-site asset and warehouse management for NSWC in Coronado CA, Little Creek VA, and Dam Neck VA and to support remote users in Stennis MS, Crane IN, West Virginia, and at overseas bases.
At RFL, we focus on business process reengineering and automated data operations for logistics & warehouse management, business & office management, or asset visibility at all levels of an enterprise. RF Logistics is an independent industry analyst and architect of data collection solutions in various phases of automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) technologies—such as barcodes, contact memory, radio frequency data capture (RFDC)–as well as automatic information technology (AIT) equipment.
RF Logistics’ success is our focus on bringing an organization’s data collection and transactions to the “point of activity”. We work with our customers to ensure their business processes are sound, effective and represent best practice. This is a critical step before implementing any AIDC or AIT project in any organization. RF Logistics has developed and implemented data media solutions, data collection equipment and software related to radio frequency identification (RFID), real-time location systems (RTLS) and wireless local area network (WLAN) projects within various DoD and Federal Government Agencies.
Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business
RF Logistics is a certified Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business on the GSA Schedule, providing services and products through multiple methods. Below is our information for your use when evaluating how we can assist in your operations.
Contract Vehicles
Government Services Administration(GSA) Schedule 70
Contract — GS-35F-0383X
Special Item Number(SIN)
132 33 Perpetual Software License
Includes operating system software, application software, EDI translation and mapping software, enabled E-mail message based products, Internet software, database management programs, and other software.
Software maintenance as a product includes the publishing of bug/defect fixes via patches and updates/upgrades in function and technology to maintain the operability and usability of the software product. It may also include other no charge support that is included in the purchase price of the product in the commercial marketplace.
No charge support includes items such as user blogs, discussion forums, on-line help libraries and FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), hosted chat rooms, and limited telephone, email and/or web-based general technical support for users self diagnostics.
Subsin categories include: Ancillary Financial Systems Software, Application Software, Communications Software, Core Financial Management Software, Electronic Commerce (EC) Software, Large Scale Computers, Microcomputers, Operating System Software, Special Physical, Visual, Speech, and Hearing Aid Software.
Provide specific information and Utility Software.
132 34 Maintenance of Software as a Service
Software maintenance as a service creates, designs, implements, and/or integrates customized changes to software that solve one or more problems and is not included with the price of the software.
Software maintenance as a service includes person-to-person communications regardless of the medium used to communicate: telephone support, on-line technical support, customized support, and/or technical expertise which are charged commercially.
Software maintenance as a service is billed in arrears in accordance with 31 U.S.C. 3324.
132 51 Information Technology Professional Services
Includes resources and facilities management, database planning and design, systems analysis and design, network services, programming, conversion and implementation support, network services project management, data/records management, and other services relevant to 29CFR541.400.
SeaPort-e is the Navy’s electronic platform for acquiring support services in 22 functional areas including Engineering, Financial Management, and Program Management. The Navy Systems Commands (NAVSEA, NAVAIR, SPAWAR, NAVFAC, and NAVSUP), the Office of Naval Research, the United States Marine Corps, and the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) compete their service requirements amongst 1800+ SeaPort-e IDIQ multiple award contract holders. For more information, please visit the Navy SeaPort-e home website at:
541330 – Engineering Services
541511 – Custom Computer Programming Services
541512 – Computer Systems Design Services
541513 – Computer Facilities Management Services
541519 – Other Computer Related Services
541611 – Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services
541614 – Process, Physical Distribution, and Logistics Consulting Services
541618 – Other Management Consulting Services
541690 – Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services
541990 – Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
561210 – Facilities Support Services